The back yard was a m é lange of decrepit teak furnishings, lumpy grass and a beat-looking umbrella. 后院是一个放杂物的地方,破旧的柚木家具,块状的碎玻璃,和可以作为打击物的伞。
He hooked up with Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens, which has a big yard and was delighted to have Moe, although he actually doesn't cut much grass. 他与拥有一个大庭院的匹兹堡温室和植物园(PhippsConservatoryandBotanicalGardens)取得了联系,他们很高兴地接受了莫伊&尽管它实际上割不下多少草。
One afternoon during my visit to Lawrence, Lockwood and Kendall were in the side yard of their house, he drinking wine on the grass, she finishing a shot of vodka while sitting on a swing suspended from a large tree. 在我拜访劳伦斯期间的某个下午,洛克伍德和肯德尔在房子一侧的庭院里,他坐在草地上喝葡萄酒,她则坐在挂在一棵大树上的秋千上,喝完一小杯伏特加。
Now I look at this yard and found that hospital Kok how there is not pleasing to the eye, because that piece of stone, patrol a pile of weeds, such as a piece of grass on the ground scar. 现在我审视这院子,发现院角那儿怎么也不顺眼,就因为那块石头,护着一堆杂草,像是绿草地上的一块疮疤。
The yard was otherwise empty of anything but sheep, dirty bundles of wool searching the dark ground for patches of new grass. 空空的院子里,除了他,就只剩下绵羊,打卷儿的毛上都是土,正在黑暗的院子里找新长出来的小小草丛。
I was smelling flowers in the yard, and when I stood up I took a deep breath and the blood all rushed to my brain and I woke up dead on my back in the grass. 我在院子里闻花朵,当我站起来做了个深呼吸血全冲进头脑于是我在草丛里从背后灵魂出窍。
Our house would be white with trees around it, a great big yard and grass growing without a fence. 我们的房子会是白色的,四周是树木,还有一个很大的原子,草儿生长着,没有篱笆吧他们圈起来。
A forlorn-looking maple tree stood in the center of a yard of patchy grass, mud, and twigs. 门口的小院中央有棵老枫树,草坪秃如瘌痢头,上面满是污泥和落枝。
A man was in his front yard mowing grass when his attractive blonde female neighbour came out of the house and went straight to the mailbox. 一个男人正在自家前院剪草,邻居漂亮的金发女子从房子里跑出来直奔邮箱。
Everyone is familiar with the sight of robins hopping around the yard, peering into the grass or "head-cocking" to locate a nice juicy worm. 大家都对院子里面跳来跳去的知更鸟非常熟悉,它们糟糕注视着草丛的动静或者晃头来搜寻一条美味的虫子。
They want to come into our yard to eat green grass and apples off the trees before the family can. 它们想溜到我们的院子里吃青草,并抢在我们之前把苹果从树上弄下来吃掉。
In the yard were muddy clumps of grass, lots of hidden pieces of broken glass and roofing tiles that had slid to the ground and were just left there. 而院子里尽是泥泞的草丛,地面上散落着许多碎玻璃,淹没在草丛中,一些瓦片也滑落到地上,散落在那里。
The yard was filthy and smelly, without so much as a blade of grass in it. 院里又是那么脏臭,连棵青草也没有。
Avoid yard work! Mowing stirs up grass pollen. 避免庭院工作(如割草,栽花)。